Slim and Happy, Wake Up in the Morning! - The World in Your Hand

Slim and Happy, Wake Up in the Morning!

Sleeping is one of the most important activities for us. We should do this even for a couple of hours. To get good quality sleep, we must spend about 8 hours each day. Is it enough? Of course, it’s not. We need wake up in the morning, as a continuation of a healthy activity for our bodies. Our body will feel refreshed, doubled with fresh air in the morning. That’s why if your alarm is ringing, don’t ever turn it off. A research has proven that wake up in the morning make a person healthier, happier and even more slender than those who sleep late.

This fact is trying suggested by several researchers from the University of Roehampton who conducted a study of 1100 male and female respondents. They provide questions about health conditions and sleep habits.

13 percent of them used to get up in the morning, before 7 am during weekday and not laze around on the weekend. Another 6 percent are those who often wake up during both weekdays and weekends. Meanwhile, 81 percent of the rest are in the middle, between the early morning at work and laze the weekend.

From these survey results, the research team found that those who get up early indicated far from the signs of anxiety and depression. They also had healthy breakfast more often, this activity is often associated with a slim body.

"The effect is quite small and even in some circumstances there are advantages to people who often get up later in the day. But statistically, this result is very significant," said Dr. Jorge Huber, one of the research team.

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