The Beauty of Transparent House in Tokyo - The World in Your Hand

The Beauty of Transparent House in Tokyo

House is everything for us. With the house we can safe from the heat, rain, snow and other weather. The house also can reflect the character of its owner. If usually we use a thick wall for our house, but what happened in Japan is totally different.  We can find this house in Tokyo, Japan. As we know that Japan has many creative people, especially when they build the house to protect them from the Earthquake. They use the house in transparent walls. We can only hide behind thick curtains.’s amazing house design where the people in the house can see everything clearly. It’s an amazing concept by adopted the futuristic design. 

If we see the pictures below, this house is different with other house. One thing that might be needed here is when the summer comes. The people in the house need the necessary tools to reduce heat in the room. Technology may be able to answer it. Hopefully, this house inspired us. Happy reading and enjoy the picture!


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