LEGO Robot Run with Windows OS 8.1 and Intel Quarks - The World in Your Hand

LEGO Robot Run with Windows OS 8.1 and Intel Quarks

Robot Technology is very different, and as more days more sophisticated. A prototype robot series that was built relegated from the project Galileo Intel is one of them. Robot was built by using matching parts and Windows operating system comes with 8.1.


This Robot is equipped with two motorcycles matching parts XL, motor shield dfrduino L298P, konverter step down DC-DC, Sparkfun IMU Fusion board and battery 8.4V . The system use Intel processors quarks low power that is designed for the system embedded. Advanced Robot is actually built for Linux system. But Microsoft has its own UEFI firmware installed in the device Galileo.

Even though it was built with the system that at least, it does not mean this robot have limited ability. Have a Supply board Galileo Intel in this robot, this robot is equipped with connectivity Bluetooth devices that enable them to be controlled from a distance.

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