Cholesterol: Diet, and Recommended Foods - The World in Your Hand

Cholesterol: Diet, and Recommended Foods

Cholesterol: what the diet and the foods recommended to keep it under control? It should be noted that the optimal values provided are those that do not exceed 200 mg/dl.  However, if you do not go beyond 240 mg/dl, the situation could still be tolerable. Beyond this limit will be triggering pathological mechanisms, which concern mainly the risks as regards the cardiovascular system. That is why it is important to be careful of what you are eating: fats in the blood increases its own depending on what we decide to bring in our food. It should be done in such a way that does not increase the values of the LDL-cholesterol, "bad" (often associated with triglycerides), which, unlike the HDL or "good", can it really endanger our health


diet against cholesterol may be correct, if you restrict the consumption of simple sugars, saturated fats, avoiding industrial products, refined cereals, the sugary drinks and foods from fast food. In the same way, it must not exceed in consume the meat, sausages and aged cheeses. As a condiment main you should use only extra virgin olive oil. An important strategy would be to rely on the biological products, among the many benefits that have, have also to look at the control of cholesterol. Their own organic foods, in fact, have no hydrogenated fats and generally have a high content of omega 3 fatty acids.


Be recommended some foods against high cholesterol. In particular, among these, we should remember the wholegrain cereals, because they contain many substances that act against the fat in the blood. The cereal for excellence from this point of view and oats, but important benefits are also those made from barley, buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth. CEREALS, vegetables, and the seed oils are ideal to lower the cholesterol. Important and also get advice from the consumption of dried fruit, especially walnuts, which are recommended for their content of omega 3 fatty, capable of preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Between the fruit and vegetables you should eat and especially those that bring soluble fibers, such as apples, pears, currants, bananas, blueberry, which is a godsend to keep under control the cholesterol. Do not forget the fish, especially the blue, which is also rich in omega 3. To take into consideration all those plant foods rich in phytosterols, such as wheat germ, the seeds, particularly those of sesame seeds. There are some myths to dispel, always with regard to anti-cholesterol foods. In particular, it is false that the whole milk has a high content of cholesterol, because a glass nor contains approximately 10 mg, which is a very small amount compared to the one that, for example, you can find in the flesh.

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