When the President Lead the Country by Twitter - The World in Your Hand

When the President Lead the Country by Twitter

Who said using Twitter is a waste of time? Hugo Chavez, a Venezuelan President actually take advantage of these microblogging site as a communication tools with his ministers. When he was in Cuba to treat his cancer, Chavez was known using Twitter to provide guidance to country programs and he also gave moral support to the football team who are following the Copa America in Argentina.


Through his Twitter account, “chavezcandanga” Chavez actively communicate with his cabinet. He also had to provide a number of decisions on certain issues. Like: waste collection projects worth $ 51 million.

In addition allowing him to continue to lead the country, Chavez also use Twitter to stay exist in the public, especially in front of his citizen. While now began to seek a new presidential candidate. When the news was revealed, his Twitter account has more than 1.8 million followers.

Chavez was in Cuba since June 20 last to undergo surgical removal of tumors. Chavez decided to stay in Cuba until he completed a series of chemotherapy. From this case we know that microblogging like twitter  help our job, even for the president task.

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