Special Attractions from He Mantang - The World in Your Hand

Special Attractions from He Mantang

This time we talk about He Mantang. Who is he? He is a man from China. Is he has a special ability? Yes, he is. Mantang is one of the strongest men from China. As we know some of Chinese actor can do special attractions like: Bruce lee, Jet Lee He, Jackie Chan, etc. Mantang can do anything which is impossible for us doing his action. Like stand on his thumbs, push-ups with the thumb of his feet. We can see how his action from the pictures below.


                                                                 Stand on his thumbs

Source: China Daily

                                                       Push-ups with the thumb of his feet

Source: China Daily

1 Response to "Special Attractions from He Mantang"

  1. That sure looks like a very peaceful place. I am sure it is so nice to go to that serene looking place. Putting it on the list now.
    study in china


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