The Beauty of Animated GIF - The World in Your Hand

The Beauty of Animated GIF

Say it with pictures. We can express our feeling with pictures. A picture has thousand meaning.  No wonder that many people feel happy after looking at the pictures. Now, we talk about animated Gif pictures. What is animated gif? Animated GIF is a type of image that can be animated by combining several images into a single GIF file. How to make it? We need applications that support the animated GIF standard. Animated gif has become extremely popular because it is supported by nearly all Web browsers. 

 Don’t worry about big file, because animated GIF files tend to be quite a bit smaller that other animation files. To make a beautiful animated GIF just need a sense of art. How to make pictures look more beautiful is a bit difficult. Actually, we can do this with feeling happy, right! 


 Landscape pictures are become a favorite for computer users, and often they make the desktop image. It’s a fact that landscape photography is preferred by most people. Now, this blog want to share about the beauty of animated GIF from Marinus, a visual artist from Netherland. Some of the pictures here were taken from his blog, “Head Like an Orange”. He uploaded the GIF images since October 2011. He took a brief snippet of video footage of wildlife, plants and scenery. He chose the best video of nature in order to create a dazzling moment. Please enjoy the pictures! 

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