The Friendship between Tiger and Human
The Bengal tiger or Panthera
tigris tigris is the most numerous tiger subspecies. But, since 2010 the IUCN classified
this animal as an endangered species. With the total population is estimated at
fewer than 2,500 individuals with a decreasing trend. From outer appearance the
Bengal tiger's coat is yellow to light orange with stripes ranging from dark
brown to black. The belly and the interior parts of the limbs are white. We can
see the tail is orange with black rings.
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As the wild animal, we certainly know that we can't approach
to this animal. It isn't like pets. Only a few people can be familiar with the animal like tiger.
Such as: veterinarian, animal keepers. From this blog we can see
the friendship between tiger and human. In Kepanjen District, Malang
(Indonesia) Nur Muhammad Soleh take care Mulan, the Bengal Tiger.
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fear, soleh hug and kiss Mulan every day. He wasn’t worried about his safety.
Mulan has special cage measuring 15 square meters.
Even, Soleh sleep beside the Mulan cage. Soleh need a physical preparation to
deal with Mulan. Soleh wearing cloth gloves to secure the neck and to avoid
Mulan’s nails. Despite repeated injuries on the hands, feet, and faces, Soleh
confessed to never give up.
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