Tips for Food Lovers - The World in Your Hand

Tips for Food Lovers

Are you food lovers? Food lovers are the people who love to eat and eating is like a ceremonial activites. For some people, they should be careful with any kind food considering with healthy reason. Especially related with menu and not all menus are healthy for us. And not all delicious foods contain nutritions which needed by our body. We life in modern era and we love something simple. Sometimes fastfood became the best choice for the people who live in the big city. They don’t want involved with kitchen activity like cooking. This food is not always good for us. There are several tips that might useful for us as food lovers.
  • After eating with type of food which contains fat, please drink a glass of lime juice and mint leaves. Lemon juice has an alkaline substance which can release fatty and helping the gastric working.
  • If we eat seafood, especially shrimp, limit maximum of 8 shrimp per day. Seafood was safe to be consumed with the average amount. If it exceeds the limit it is not good for the body.
  • We have to know what do we ate.  While eating something, especially for canned foods we should see a table of nutrition information on packaging.
  • Chew your food 30 to 40 times. This was often ignored. This is the best way to produce enzymes in our pancreas. Enzim will be produced, if we chew the foods more subtle. We must do this to avoid stomach problems, indigestion, bloating or abdominal pain after eating.
  • Eat papaya every morning. In addition to facilitate bowel movement every day, papaya is also good to moisture our skin.
  • Eat food antioxidants, such as soursop fruit, pomegranate, blueberry, blackberry, strawberry, orange and cherry.  

I hope this information is useful for us. So, why should we be afraid to eat if we know the rules, right.

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